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CloseClinical Training Sites
All clinical core rotations and electives will be provided to the students at the various university hospitals in Poland as well as the university approved training facilities/hospitals in the USA and Europe (whenever applicable).
If a student is allowed to take part in clinical clerkships in the United States, he/she is required to obtain permission from the office of the Dean of your medical university and HMI for his/her training outside Poland. Students taking part in clinical training outside Poland will be closely supervised and monitored by the teaching faculty of the hospital as well as the Director of Clinical Training. He or she will be in direct communication with the Dean of Clinical Education at the University and will maintain the integrity and standards set by the University.
Students participating in clerkships outside Poland are required to train at the clinical training hospitals/facilities jointly approved by Hope Medical Institute and the Dean of Clinical Training of the University.
Please Note: In order to meet the licensing requirements set by the majority of states in the United States, it is important that the training in the United States be conducted at hospitals and training facilities which are approved for residency training.
All core and elective rotations must be completed at an affiliated hospital. However, you may complete up to 8 weeks of electives at a non-affiliated institution approved to teach in that specialty.
Under no circumstances may more than 8 weeks of clinical training be completed at a non-affiliated hospital. It is important that students complete their electives and other clinical training only at training facilities where a corresponding residency training program is in existence. For example, if a student wants to participate in a clerkship for emergency medicine at a non-affiliated hospital, then the student should make sure that the hospital is approved for a residency training program in emergency medicine. When a student participates in clinical training at a non-affiliated hospital, the student should first seek permission from the Dean and the Director of Clinical Training at Hope Medical Institute.
The following are the affiliated hospitals approved for clinical training:
United States & Canada